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Abstract Background

8(a) Sole Source Process Overview

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8(a) Regulations:

Federal law allows Agencies to award Sole Source Contracts to the SBA on behalf of an eligible 8(a) Firm of their choice. Contracts can be awarded in limits up to $6.5 million for manufacturing NAICS codes and $4.0 million for all other Contracts.

8(a) Benefits & Advantages:

  • Streamlined Acquisitions Process

  • Supports Mission Readiness (alleviates 60-90 days of acquisition time)

  • Qualified Contractor of Choice

  • Obtainment of 8(a) Small Business Goals

  • Expedited Negotiations

  • How does an agency directly award Lucayan Technology 8(a) sole source contract?


How to Award a Streamlined 8(a) Sole Source Contract:

  1. The Government Program Manager (PM) develops a Statement of Work and secures funding.

  2. Having chosen Lucayan Technology to perform the work, the PM then submits a Procurement Request to his/her agency Contracting Officer (CO).

  3. The CO will then send an Offer Letter (including agency contact person’s name, telephone, e-mail address and FAX) and a Statement of Work (SOW) via email to: ______________requesting permission to conduct sole source negotiations with Lucayan Technology. (Lucayan Technology will have already alerted the Business Opportunity Specialist to expect the package to expedite the process.)

  4. The SBA then confirms the eligibility of Lucayan Technology and authorizes the negotiations to begin – This usually happens within 48 hours.

  5. The CO will then send Lucayan Technology a Statement of Work and a Request for Proposal (RFP) or Request for Quotation (RFQ).

  6. Lucayan Technology submits a proposal to the Government Program Manager and CO for evaluation.

  7. The CO negotiates with Lucayan Technology. Simplified Acquisition efforts do not require a technical proposal; the CO sends the RFP to Lucayan Technology requesting a cost proposal; upon receipt, the CO negotiates cost and terms with Lucayan Technology. If the estimate exceeds the Simplified Acquisition Threshold, the CO sends RFP to Lucayan Technology requesting technical and cost proposals; upon receipt, CO negotiates cost and terms with Precision.

  8. Upon completion of negotiations, the CO prepares a contract award document and sends it to Lucayan Technology for signature.

  9. Upon receipt of the fully executed contract from the CO, the contract period of performance begins at the stated date in the contract.


This entire acquisition process should take about 2 (two) weeks or less in duration.



Corporate Information:

Company Name




8(a) Case Number

8(a) Entrance Date

8(a) Exit Date

GSA Schedules

Lucayan Technology Solutions, LLC

1228 E. 7th Avenue, Suite 201, Tampa, FL 33605-3505

(813) 397-3960




eLibrary Link

SBA Information for Questions:

U.S. Small Business Administration

Washington Metropolitan Area District Office

409 3rd Street SW, 2nd FL

Washington, DC 20416

Main Office: (202) 205-8800



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